
Zhuorui Wu
February 1, 2017
ESL 100
A wish and A Special Love Name

I will love my name forever. My name means thoughtful, brightful, and graceful. Everyone has their own name, but mine is special and precious. My name was given to me by my grandfather when I was six years old, and he soon before passed away. My grandfather had stomach cancer, which is also called gastric cancer. I remember he told me to become an intelligent and enthusiastic woman when I get older. He was a strict, calm, and tough man, and he used to be an educational teacher. My name is always the last one on the list. However, I promised my grandfather I would not be the last one. I wish I could do that. My grandfather is like an angel to light up and protect me. I will never forget what he said and what he taught me when he told me that I said you need to take care of myself and make careful decisions on my own when I was sitting next to his bedside in the hospital. He gave me a sweet and a charming name. I will always love my name and keep thinking about my grandfather forever. 926731433.jpg


Blog Assignment #1

1. Post the picture of an artwork you like. Tell who the artist is, title of the work and why you chose the work. What about it do you like?

Title: Mandarin Ducks and Hollyhocks
Artist: Lü Ji
Date: Late 15th century, Ming Dynasty
Paintings, Hanging Scrolls, Nature, Ducks, and Hollyhock

I choose Lü Ji's art work called Mandarin Ducks and Hollyhocks page 444. Lü Ji specialized in birds and flowers painting. He used brilliant colors to describe the birds and flowers and scroll. Mandarin ducks always a pair of the, male and female. Also, there are a flower called furong, near to the scroll. The phrase show on the book, “furong qigui”, it means rich, fancy, honorable. This painting is suitable as wedding gift to a newly married couple. I like this painting because my grandpa and my grandma have one of this kind of painting when they are married. I predict this painting looks quite, dainty, and old. This is a Chinese painting, and I am a Chinese that I should learn my these paintings and cultures about art.